Intervju med Jackson Rathbone aka Jasper Cullen
1. When was your first kiss?
When I was 13, I was dating a girl two years older than me. We were in a movie theater and got about thirty minutes into the movie (Titanic) and she made the first move. I was very shy and probably wouldn’t have ever made the first move, so, well, it rocked my world. We dated on and off for two years. I heard she recently got married, so I won’t say her name, but she still holds a special place in my heart.
2. Who’s your celebrity crush?
Bryce Dallas Howard. I think she’s an incredible actress and such a beautiful young woman. I also think she’s way out of my league, so I’ll just keep dreaming.
3. What’s a girl fashion trend that confuses you?
In LA summer’s blistering heat, I’ve seen many girls wearing short skirts with Ugg boots. I like the boots, and the short skirts, but I’ve always wondered, don’t their feet get hot?
4. What’s the chick flick you secretly love?
The Notebook. It’s incredibly well acted and written, but it’s definitely a chick flick.
5. What’s your TV guilty pleasure?
”Blind Date” – I like the pop-up commentary, but it’s an awful show.
6. Who would play you in the movie version of your life?
If there ever is a movie version, I’d demand it to be a cartoon. Then, perhaps Christopher Walken could play me? I doubt he’d want to…
7. What’s your dream job?
Acting in a Clint Eastwood picture. PLEASE, Mr. Eastwood, I will play ANY PART, even a pizza boy with no lines!
8. If you could trade places with anyone in the world for one day, who would it be?
Andy Warhol. I’ve always wanted to have a ”Factory” of my own. I’m working on it at the moment… I think I’m three years away.
9. Who in your family are you closest to?
We are a complete family unit. I couldn’t function without any of them. Our family dinners are the most amazing experiences: no one gets to finish a sentence, everyone laughs food through his/her nose at some point, and the food is DELICIOUS and ABUNDANT. Leftovers rock!
10. What’s your favorite Website? – I love learning new things that will never be put to practical use.
11. What’s the fast food you can’t live without?
Peppers and pepperoni pizza. (I like the alliteration.)
12. What’s your worst habit?
13. What’s the last song you listened to on your iPod?
”That Wouldn’t Be Right” by The Stevedores – There’s a break in the song that’s rips my heart out in the best way. ”These eyes behold a lot of what these hands cannot…” Beautiful soul, that Spencer Bell.
14. What’s the last thing you bought?
I bought a little travel electric-guitar. It’s two feet long and has a built-in amp. I’ve been traveling so much lately, it became necessary.
15. What did you dream about last night?
I wish I could remember. I also wish I could lucid dream. Alas.
16. How much money is in your wallet right now?
I don’t carry a wallet. I keep my cards in my pocket and cash in my boots. Why? You need to borrow some? It might smell like feet…
17. Fill in the blank: When I was 17, I was ____________.
A Lost Boy. There was a group of six of us actors at Interlochen Arts Academy named ”Lost Boys” by the school administration for causing dissent against authority. Perhaps we truly were rebels without a cause. When I turned 18, I got my first and only tattoo, ”I’m lost…” There were six of us Lost Boys, but now we are down to five. Adrenal cancer took the life of our dear friend and compatriot Spencer Bell. Please take a moment to visit to listen to some of his music. They’ve just released his posthumous solo album, ”Feudal, Brutal, and the American Dream” which can’t be found anywhere else. Enjoy!
Också måste man ha en skiitsnygg bild på honom!
Sols väg
och Skogsholmen
Om ni vet vart det är så kommentera gärna för skulle bli jätte glad över att få veta vart det är <33
Ingen Rubrik
nu ska jag gå och baka pizza
(anledning till att jag bakar egen Pizza)
Bye Bye
Guten Morgen
vaknade för typ 2 timmar sen och har typ bara latat mig sen dess (vilket jag ändå kmr göra hela dagen :)) nu ska jag kolla på typ miljoner filmer och TV serier
bye bye
vill ha fler xD
älskar kaninen :)
Elin om du läser dethär så ångrar jag mig om knappen <33 skickar mess om det om typ 2 min BTW
Hur jag spenderar min lördags kväll xD
Du säger människa.
Jag säger Vampyr.
Du säger Paris Hilton.
Jag säger Bella Swan.
Du säger Zac Efron.
Jag säger Edward Cullen.
Du säger pop.
Jag säger blod.
Du säger vampyrer är skrämmande.
Jag säger Vampyrer är skit coola.
Du säger Hollywood
Jag säger Forks
Normala Personer: Litar på sina lokala meteorologer för en väderprognos.
Twilight Fans: Förlitar sig hellre på Alices framtida prognoser.
Normala Personer: Säger Oh my god (OMG).
Twilight Fans: Säger Oh my Edward (OME).
Normala personer: Går till en psykolog för att berätta om sina känslor.
Twilight Fans: Vet att Jesper redan kan känna deras känslor utan att man säger något.
Normala Personer: Säger håll käften annars ska jag visa dig hur man gör.
Twilight Fans: Säger håll käften annars ska jag be Volturi visa dig hur man gör.
Normala Personer: Tror att alla vampyrer är som Dracula.
Twilight Fans: Vet att mycket bättre och absolut älskar Cullen Vampyrer.
Normala Personer: Skriker "HJÄLP MIG NÅGON!" när de blir jagade.
Twilight Fans: Skriker "EDWARD RÄDDA MIG!" när de blir jagade.
Normala Personer: Blir nervösa/rädda när åskan går.
Twilight Fans: Vet att Cullens spelar Baseball någonstans och att det troligen är Emmett som slår.
Normala Personer: Skulle välja en solig plats att åka på semester till.
Twilight Fans: Skulle åka till Forks i Washington direkt.
Normala Personer: Lägger inte upp det här på sin blogg.
Twilight Fans: Måste ha den här på sin blogg!'
snarkigt värre
ny design
New Shoes
Idag är sista dagen på lovet (oh fuck!) men har ändå prao i två veckor :D då gäller det att sköta sig så man kan få sommarjobb ;D
50 sätt att...
1. Prance around the house singing Madonna’s ‘Like a virgin’ at the top of your lungs every morning.
2. Tell him Bella has decided to marry Jacob
3. Hang posters that say “I support Jacob Black” and “Jacob Black for President” All over his room
4. Hire a stripper to pop out of the wedding cake
5. Buy a sex-ed book and shove it in his locker, making sure that whenever he decides to open it that it falls out, in clear view of the school.
6. Make sure and tell Aro that Edward wants to elope with him.
7. Smear your blood all over his new car freshener. Blame it on Jacob
8. Wave wooden crosses and strings of garlic at him randomly. When he asks what you’re doing, say, “I know I read this somewhere.”
9. Tell him ”You lost your virginity at 107, and you dother is gonny lose her´s at 7…To the guy who was in love with your wife.”
10. Show him the twilight trailer. Ask him if he’s thinks that he looks like a pedophile or if it’s just you.
11. Ask him where babies come from. Tell him he’s stupid when he won’t answer your question.
12. For his birthday give him a $100 McDonalds gift card, and get offended when he tells you he doesn’t eat food.
13. Ask him if he ever had an erection.
14. Ask him if vampires get erections.
15. Ask him why he likes watching Bella sleep. Call him a pervert.
16. Give yourself a paper cut and make a point of showing him the blood, then put it in your mouth. Say, “Mmmm, Delicious! Want some?”
17. Replace his ringtone with ‘Outta my head’ by Asheele Simpson. Make sure he can’t change it.
18. Color on all his Bella pictures with Permanent marker.
19. Refuse to replace them.
20. Ask him to be a gangsta with you for Halloween.
21. Get offended when he refuses.
22. Take him to Victoria’s Secret with Alice.
23. End every argument with “Bite me, Edward.”
24. Ask him how Tanya is.
25. Constantly remind him that he almost lost Bella to a dog.
26. Key his car. ‘Jacob and Edward = LURVE’
27. Get him on that show ‘intervention’. Make sure everyone knows he addicted to heroin.
28. Tell him you have Bella as a witness if he denies it.
29. Whenever he complains or argues, reply with “What are you gonna do Edward? Go to Italy?”
30. Call him Romeo both behind his back and to his face.
31. Paint his Volvo pink and write “I love Jacob” all over it
32. Tell him Bella is pregnant and eloping with Mike Newton.
33. Tell him you were kidding once he murders Mike.
34. Tell Carlilsle to have ”The Talk” with him.
35. Make him watch the twilight movie.
36. Ask him if he thinks Robert Pattinson is hot. When he says no, tell him he has low self esteem issues.
37. Buy him a dog. Name it Jacob.
38. Train the dog to follow him everywhere. P.S. Make sure he doesn’t eat it.
39. When you ‘discover’ he’s a vampire, throw holy water on him and shout,”The power of Christ compels you!”
40. Ask him if he’s a virgin.
41. When he says yes, take a picture of him and tape it to the 40 year old virgin movie poster.
42. Make him watch Hairspray with you. Ask him why he’s not as hot as Zac Efron.
43. When he says that he is, ask him why he wasn’t the star of the singing high school people.
44. Tape porn to his walls.
45. Make sure Bella sees it.
46. Make an ”I love Jacob” website and say Bella made it.
47. Tell him he didn’t steal Bella’s virginity, Jacob did.
48. Tell him Jacob thinks he’s a sex god.
49. Tell him Jane thinks he’s better than a sex god.
50. Cover his yard with ”Beware of Vampire” signs.
... Irritera Jacob Black
1. Put kitty posters on his bedroom wall.
2. Buy him a vampire outfit for Halloween.
3. Yell ”Here Jacob!! Come on, boy!”
4. Tell him he needs a flea bath.
5. Give him some dog treats for lunch.
6. Follow him around singing Who Let the Dogs Out.
7. Tell him his motorcycle looks gay.
8. Photoshop a pic of him and Edward, then give it to him as a present.
9. Hit him on the nose with a rolled up newspaper.
10. Spray him with a squirt bottle every time he swears.
11. Give him a chew toy for Christmas.
12. Give him dinner in a dog bowl.
13. Ask him if he’s related to DogMan(We live in MI…don’t ask)
14. Ask him when Edward and Bella’s wedding date is.
15. Then ask him he’s going.
16. Get him a pretty pink dog collar.
17. Tell him he has to go see the vet.
18. Ask him if he’s got his rabis shot.
19. Steal all of his sweatpants.
20. Call him a mutt…then run.
21. Tell him he needs a new car…preferably a new, shiny, silver Volvo.
22. Ask him if he’s gay.
23. Ask him if he wishs he glittered like Edward.
24. Then pour glitter on him.
25. Then when he yells at you, just tell him you just wanted him to feel pretty like Edward.
26. Throw a Tennis ball, then yell ”Get it! Get it, boy!”
27. Then when he doesn’t go and get the ball, ask why he doesn’t know how to fetch.
28. Give him some peanut-butter.
29. Then black-mail him with the video.
30. Tell him he’d look better pale.
31. Push him in the lake, when he yells just say you wanted to see if he knew how to doggie-paddle.
32. Then yell at him for smelling like wet dog.
33. Paint Jacob in pink and purple nail polish on his finger nails.
34. Then ask him if he has the hotts for Edward.
35. See how many times you can poke him before he transforms.
36. Put a bark collar on him.
37. Give him a muzzle for his B-day.
38. Take him to the groomer’s shop.
39. Steal his pic of Bella and replace it with a pic of Edward while he’s sleeping.
40. Then scream in his ear ”I KNEW IT!! You DO have the hotts for Edward!”
41. Then tell Edward.
42. Ask him if he’s related to Scooby-Doo.
43. Start brushing his hair, then when he glares tell him he’s shedding.
44. Post lost dog AD’s with Jacob’s pic on them.
45. Ask him when his and Edward’s wedding date is.
46. Threaten to get him fixed.
47. Accidently call him kitty.
48. Ask him if he’s Edward’s best-man.
49. Give him the nickname Fiedo.
50. For movie night, rent the Dracula movie.
Rösta på min bikini
Flera bilder
Har hittat flera bilder fast med Nick och Kevin också
hehe så små dom var, bilden är tagen 1993 xD
grymt söta ju! Nick va ju grymmast ;P
Nick Jonas i en arkadhall
coolingen Joe
Snygg jacka ;P
Ny badade eller?
Nya Shorts
Min syrra ska till stan idag så jag frågade om hon kunde köpa ett par Jeansshorts till mig, men hon hade ett par hon hade köpt på Adercrombie & Fitch, typ den bästa affären i USA, det luktar typ asgod killparfym och i kassan står typ världens hetaste killar SERIÖST!!!! Älskar den affären
Love Yaa Bye!
okej, denhär kanske inte var så rolig men iaf!
alla brukar typ bråka om att det ska vara Bella & Edward eller Bella & Jacob, men ingen har nog tänkt på
och sen bara måste jag ha med en bild på Logan Lerman, så jävla söt asså!
K-nulla B-rudar
haha fyfan vad skön han e asså